Devotional Introduction:
The “Dash” represents the short space of your existence here on earth. It is to be filled with the fruits of your labor before the end of your days. The “Dash” equates to God’s purpose for your life. As the Apostle Paul said at the end of his days ...I have finished my course…! (2 Timothy 7).
We all have a life story. If, at any time, you may have found yourself pondering your life’s accomplishments, what will your account be? What legacy will you leave? What are you going to establish and leave behind? You may also want others to know the true story of your life. From the youngest to the oldest, we all have an assignment here on earth. Your life has meaning. The Word of God says, “...strive toward the prize of the upward call of God, in Christ Jesus“ (Philippians 3:14 [NET*]). This devotional is a short read to encourage you to “Seek God” (Matthew 6:33 [NET*]) and go for it as the Lord leads. Don’t wait. Live your life to its fullest in Christ.
About the publisher: Sabra Jenkins [Outof_HisHeart]
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---- Day 1 ----
Title: The Appointment!
Message: A right time for birth and another for death, (See Eccl. 3:2 [MSG*])
At the end of life, most funerals, celebrations, or memorials place a Dash between the date one is born and the date one dies. That Dash represents the sum of our days. No matter the length, be it one, ten, or a hundred years – the Dash emphasizes the short span in which we live. In the greater scheme of things, when we think of a thousand years (which I might add is but a day to God; see 2 Pet. 3:8), our lives are brief. And given that brevity, the one crucial thing is to make the most of what we do within the Dash. The question posed - What will your Dash represent when it is all said and done because we know the appointment is sure. (See Heb. 9:27).
Do you know or understand your purpose? If so, explain?
Do you have a passion that you would do without getting paid for it? What is it?
Is there a dream or endeavor that you’d like to fulfill in this life? Could that dream possibly be tied to your purpose?
At what age did you begin dreaming of this endeavor?
Scriptures: Ephesians 2:10a; Revelations 4:11b
---- Day 2 ----
Title: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!
Message: For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. (See Phil. 2:13 [NKJV]
When you became an adult, the path was already in motion for you to walk in. You just hadn’t discovered it yet. When you were born into your family, you were given all you needed to complete your life’s work. Just like a plant or animal has a purpose and everything that is required is within that life. You are created in the image of God, and all you need is already inside of you. It just has to be cultivated through trials and tribulations to manifest. Just think about the most beautiful tree you’ve seen or that majestic mountain you’ve climbed. It wasn’t always like that. The weather helped shape and mold them. Over time, they became what you see today! God’s creation speaks of His undeniable creativity.
When you reflect on your lifespan, you spend the first thirty or so years trying to figure out what your purpose for being here is. You grow up learning behaviors and thought processes generated by your environment. You get educated in your culture and learn how to bloom where you’re planted. You develop your ideas and set goals, and you engage in relationships that are either good for you or bad. You begin after a particular time to create your world. BUT, unless you invite the Creator into your world, it will be a continuum of chaos.
The goal should be your own god, but to allow the God of creation to guide you into the purpose. He has already predestined for you. And as long as you are “doing your own thing,” you will wander around not knowing your purpose. It is this writer’s opinion that many people have walked around aimlessly in life, uncertain as to why they were born. Frustration, disappointment, and discouragement are like a worn jacket tattered and dirty, but you keep putting it on day by day. You fake the reality of knowing; but, at the edge of this is fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of not obtaining your goals. And, when reached, did/do they satisfy the innate longing to fulfill your life purpose? Some life goals like getting an education, a car, “the” job, house, spouse, child[ren], recognition, fame, and prestige are all good, but do they satisfy the undeniable void. Is/was it enough? Is/was there more? Remember, you only have the Dash within which to find out.
Have you ever thought you were worthless, had no reason or rhyme for being here?
What were the circumstances that brought you to that conclusion?
Were there days when you felt ineffective?
Did you look in the mirror with dismay?
What changed your mind?
Scriptures: Psalm 139:4; Genesis 1:27; 1 Peter 2:9; Romans 8:28
---- Day 3 ---
Title: Your Legacy: Rich or Bankrupt?
Message: A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children (Prov. 13:22a)
When your end of days has come, what will that Dash say about your accomplishments? Will people you knew 20 years ago remember what you did or said? Or will you leave a vague impression in the back of their mind? Will your life impact people in the way it should? Will it leave a sour taste in the mouths of those you have encountered?
Will you leave a legacy of any substance besides material things that fade with time? Will the hearts of those who knew you be full or empty? Will kindness be one of the words used to describe you? Will people in your circle commend you for the excellent work you did? What do you want that Dash to say about who you were?
When you or someone speaks an unkind word, it leaves a scar in the hearer’s heart and soul. That word has the power to shape someone’s outlook, and the sting remains. Do you recall the last time someone scarred your heart? Has it healed, or are you still holding on to the pain? Have you wrestled with the truth of that word? God can restore your soul.
The legacy you leave for others to build on falls within that Dash. Will you leave behind something of value, something that won’t rust or fade with time. Will you leave a legacy for the next generation? What have you inherited from ancestors that you can pass on?
Perhaps you don't have children to leave an inheritance to, but have you mentored someone during your lifetime on this earth? Have you spoken into someone’s life, maybe a friend, sibling, coworker, or a mature person? Dropping a nugget of love or wisdom into the heart lasts a lifetime. These are the things of value -- where moth or rust does not corrupt”. The Wisdom of God’s Word is the most invaluable legacy you could leave anyone. A gift isn’t limited to material things, wisdom according to scripture, is more precious than gold. (See, Prov. 3:14)
Do you remember the first material item you sought to purchase?
After a few days, weeks, or months, did it have the same “glory” as when you first obtained it?
How long after did you begin seeking another possession to fulfill your desire for accomplishment?
Do your possessions possess you?
Scriptures: Matt. 6:19, Proverbs 13:22a
---- Day 4 ---
Title: Redeeming the time
Message: “I must work the work of Him that sent me …” (John 9:4 [KJV*])
Scripture tells us to Redeem the time because the days are evil. (See Eph.. 5:16 [KJV*])
One definition of redeeming is to use. Use your time wisely, especially as you grow in the knowledge of life. The Dash is the only time you have here on earth in this body, and what you do within that Dash matters for eternity. You only have this one time to leave an indelible impression.
So, consider how wisely you use the time you have. What impact will you have in your sphere of influence? What will people think about when they read your Dash (obituary)? Because my friend, relationships are what life is all about. The intended purpose of life is relationships.
When you reflect on the things you’ve done thus far, the people you’ve encountered, past relationships you had or have, what are the things that make you smile, sad, have regrets, anxiety, or unforgiveness? When you look at your relationships, are they healthy or unhealthy? Do you sigh, or are you glad? Is it a plus or a minus? If you get honest with yourself, are you free, or do you feel obligated? Is there any guilt, resentment, hurt, or sorrow following you in it? Do you have regrets? These are honest questions to ask yourself before the Dash shows up. By then, it is too late to fix.
If you could redo a time or time in your life, what would you do differently?
How old were you at the time? Choices weigh heavy in our lives.
Describe the expected outcome vis-a-vis the actual result and the consequences of your choice, if any.
What wisdom did you obtain through this choice; what regrets?
Have you released those regrets? If so, how?
Reflect on how God used this in your life?
Scriptures: James 4:14; Ephesians 5:15-16; Romans 8:28
---- Day 5 ---
Title: Stir up one another
Message: And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works. (See Heb. 10:24 [ESV*])
We are encouraged to stir up or to provoke one another to do good works. I want to encourage you to think about what you wish that Dash to mean to others by this writing. Because my friend, when it's your turn, in the end, that’s all that will matter. To love, be loved, give freely, and share the gifts God gave you. To help others as you receive help; to reach out and raise others as you rise.
The brevity or longevity is irrelevant in the scheme of eternity. Opportunities abound right now. Each day you wake, are breathing, and able to move about is your chance. Take advantage of every moment – even if it's just to reflect on the last thing you did for someone. When you are about provoking others to do good, that fulfills an essential purpose in your life. When you think about helping someone, say, in your home, at your job, at school, or even on the street, it’s as if God were doing it Himself. Your act of kindness is a demonstration of God’s love. You may not know at the time how impactful your show of compassion is to that person.
God is constantly giving opportunities for you to bear fruit. He has called us to be fruit producers. He says we should be like trees planted by rivers of living water. Your expression to an individual could have a rippling effect and produce lasting fruit. It could be good or bad, depending on the heart of the matter, the motive should be one of love.
What was the last thing you did that ended up being helpful to someone?
What do you believe was the result of your influence?
How did you feel when it was revealed to you the impact you made?
Scripture: Ephesians 2:10; 1 Timothy 6:18; Titus 3:8; John 15:8, 16, Colossians 1:10; Psalms 1:3.
---- Day 6 ---
Title: Our Gifts from God
Message: Christ has generously divided out his gifts to us. (See Eph. 4:7-8 [CEV*])
There is an account in the scripture of three servants given talents by their master who left on a journey to a far country. (See Matt. 25:14-30). A talent in modern-day vernacular can also mean a gift. There was an expectation for the servants to increase the talents’ value – in other words, to use the talent to benefit the master. Two of the servants were wise enough to invest the talents and double their value. The third, a selfish, fearful servant, did not invest the talent but buried it until the master returned. As the account goes, the two were wise enough to invest the talents, double their value and receive a handsome reward, with a promise of more. The Master took away the servant’s talent. The servant admitted he was afraid to invest the talent and said he knew the Master was a hard man. The servant was relegated to outer darkness (which is eternal separation from God) for not investing the talent. Will you invest the talent the Master gives for His glory -- to reveal to people who He is. God wants your gifts to be shared liberally-- unafraid or hiding them. Freely He has given, so freely we are to give.
What gifts do you believe you have?
How have they blessed your life? The lives of others?
What is the return on your investment?
What profited -- increased wisdom, knowledge, understanding, etc. ?
Scriptures: Hebrews 13:21; James 1:17
---- Day 7 ---
Title: The Last Word
Message: For we are His workmanship [His own masterwork, a work of art], created in Christ Jesus [reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, ready to be used] for good works, which God prepared [for us] beforehand [taking paths which He set] so that we would walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us].” (See Eph. 2:10 [AMP*])
Finally, when others eulogize your life, what do you believe will be said? What one thing do you want said about yourself? Usually, at a service, the stories told were stories you never heard about yourself! Often people share some small thing you did that may have been insignificant to you, but it touched an individual in a profound way unbeknownst to you. It is incumbent to leave something of value in this life, not just a good impression. But something that has lasting value, like love or hope.
God’s intent is for that Dash to be a representation of an entire life used for His glory and the benefit of others. We are to be filled during our lifespan and then empty out. Similar to a tributary, watering wherever you go that spills into the ocean. The riverbed is now dried up because it flowed until the purpose is fulfilled. The question posed, what will God say to you at the Dash? Well done or depart from me? The time is now! Carpe diem!
What does your Dash represent?
What do you feel is your purpose?
What gifts are you using today to accomplish it?
Will you be able to say I have fought a good fight?
Scriptures: Psalms 37:23, 2 Timothy 4:6 & 7, Matthew 25:21
Final Thoughts
We hope you consider what life legacy you will leave; seeing the Dash represents your entire existence here on earth. What are the kinds of contributions you made to enhance others? Will the things you deposit into the hearts of others comfort or crush — for you will give an account when you stand before your Maker. Revelation 20:12: “And I saw the dead, small and significant, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books.”
Scripture quotations marked (AMP) are taken from the Amplified Bible, Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission
Scripture quoted by permission. Quotations designated (NET) are from the NET Bible® copyright ©1996, 2019 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved.
Scripture is taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.